paraperesis 2
General medicine case study Roll no 43 I was given a paraperesis Cheif complaints Difficulty in climbing stairs since one month Bilateral lower limb weakness since one month Difficulty in holding cheppal Wasting and thinning of lower limb muscles more than upper limb No history showing sensory involvement No history showing involuntary movements Cerebral invovment based history was not there So my diffrentials concised to UMN or LMN lesion On examination On examination we find Normal grneral examination Hemogram , serum electrolysis , other lab investigations wer normal Thyroid tests were normal CNS examination showed Atophy Hypotonia Absent deep tendon reflex Babinski sign negative This confines my diagnosis to LMN lesion Lesion of LMN can be located at four places on its pathway Anterior horn cell Peripheral nerve NMJ Muscle (myopathy) To rule out Anterior horn cell disease and peripheral neuropathy , evaluation of conduction velocity (NCV), histo...