Patient with H/O of pain abdome fever
A 29 yr old female patient name resident of narketpally came to the opd with cheif complaints of Pain abdomen since 20 days associated with nausea H/0 of fever 1 month back - for 10-15 days which subsided after medication HOPI Patient is apparently asymptomatic 13 yrs back then she gave birth to a baby with c section after few months pt developed fearfullness, palpitations, which she underwent many hospital visits ,took medication. 6yrs back patient developed generalized body itching to which she went to dermatologist ,took medication 5ys back she had h/o of excessive menstrual bleeding for which she was told she had infection (cervicitis) , took medication. 1-2 yrs back h/o of fever ,decreased platelets (dengue) treated conservatively 1 month - low grade fever loss of Apetite, palpitations, chest discomfort. PAST H/O Not a k/c/o diabetes ,HTN, TB,asthama,cvd , epilepsy. ...