June gm assessment
D SIDDARTH (2k16) ROLL NO 43 JUNE ASSESSMENT H ave been given the following questions to answer in an attmept to understand the topic of 'Patient clinical data analysis' to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and diagnosis and come up with a treatment, to assess the quality of treatment given and to suggest improvisations. Q 1) Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment : After going through one particular answer of ten students in this l https://generalmedicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2021/06/bimonthly-formative-and-summative_19.html?m= Here are my qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer. 3. Cause for acute exaberation it may be due any infection , it could be due to allergy ie hypersensitivity due to weather conditions in January ... As patient has repeated episodes of symptoms at the same time every year.. Q 2)...